Tuesday, February 21, 2012

give it up/start it up

I may not be super religious, but I have always loved the idea of Lent. Bettering yourself/others for 40 days... plus having a finite amount of time always makes it seem easier (you can do anything for 40 days!). My approach: give up a food/drink that is unhealthy, start up a new activity, and become a more helpful/productive member of society.  So, in that spirit, here is what I've decided to do:

via Creative Review
let's be honest- how good does that look? Sometimes I just crave a diet soda. But ZERO soda of any sort for the next 40 days. When I'm craving that carbonation (as I frequently do), I'll turn to sparkling water or seltzer.. or I guess I could settle for a glass of champagne, too!
via Food Gal
 I eat these almost everyday. I read an article about how  potato chips are directly correlated with obesity. Cutting. it. out. (UGH SO SAD).

via Whole Living
maybe it's a lack of motivation, but I've yet to find a type of exercise that I enjoy doing (besides walking and Zumba). In an effort to put a spring in my step, I've committed to doing 100 jumping jacks every day for the next 40 days. Weird, I know. But jumping jacks are simple enough that there is NO excuse not to do them. My goal is to get to the point where I can do this exercise routine. But, we're dealing with amateurs here, and we gotta start somewhere!

still looking for a way to give back (any suggestions?). I'd like to make this a more permanent thing in my life... and while I'm searching, I'll make an effort to smile more and help out in daily things as much as possible (good substitute for the time being?). another option would be to copy the sorts of things they did in this blog- all wonderful ways to make someone's day better.

are you doing anything for Lent?

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