Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday Finds

I'll admit it: I may have started out my first "Friday" post with zero direction, and zero other "epic" new songs in mind to include in this weekly spot. "Some Nights" set the bar pretty high, and since I'm majorly working overtime this week (thank God I love my job!), I've still been relying on Fun. to pump me up on my (short) drive to work at 5:45am.

Ergo, a different Fun. song for this Friday. I was pleasantly surprised to see "We Are Young" it at the top of the Billboard charts this week, making it not the most unique choice, but I digress. This song could have easily been written and recorded in the 80s, and I wouldn't think to question it.

If you're not totally in love as your start listening, keep going. The chorus is pretty epic, and if you can tell I'm a big fan of epic choruses and catchy, relevant lyrics. (When did I begin having such an explicit opinion on music?).

IT'S FRIDAY! Set the world on fiiiiiiiiiyah.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Finds

To get me to commit on a weekly basis, I needed a regular thing to commit to. Enter stage left "Friday Finds"... where I attempt to help you start your weekend off on a fun, happy note with whatever fun new song happens to be stuck in my head.

Today's jam is from a band called Fun. and is called "Some Nights". (Fun fact: The lead singer is from a band called The Format... if you possibly remember them from the early 2000s).

If you haven't heard this song, it might sound a little gospel-y, but I guarantee you you'll have a blast jamming out to this in your car on a Friday afternoon. Poppy, meaningful lyrics, and a whole lotta soul.

That's what these weekly posts will be about. Fun. Friday. Happiness. Now, with no further ado...