Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday Finds

I'll admit it: I may have started out my first "Friday" post with zero direction, and zero other "epic" new songs in mind to include in this weekly spot. "Some Nights" set the bar pretty high, and since I'm majorly working overtime this week (thank God I love my job!), I've still been relying on Fun. to pump me up on my (short) drive to work at 5:45am.

Ergo, a different Fun. song for this Friday. I was pleasantly surprised to see "We Are Young" it at the top of the Billboard charts this week, making it not the most unique choice, but I digress. This song could have easily been written and recorded in the 80s, and I wouldn't think to question it.

If you're not totally in love as your start listening, keep going. The chorus is pretty epic, and if you can tell I'm a big fan of epic choruses and catchy, relevant lyrics. (When did I begin having such an explicit opinion on music?).

IT'S FRIDAY! Set the world on fiiiiiiiiiyah.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Finds

To get me to commit on a weekly basis, I needed a regular thing to commit to. Enter stage left "Friday Finds"... where I attempt to help you start your weekend off on a fun, happy note with whatever fun new song happens to be stuck in my head.

Today's jam is from a band called Fun. and is called "Some Nights". (Fun fact: The lead singer is from a band called The Format... if you possibly remember them from the early 2000s).

If you haven't heard this song, it might sound a little gospel-y, but I guarantee you you'll have a blast jamming out to this in your car on a Friday afternoon. Poppy, meaningful lyrics, and a whole lotta soul.

That's what these weekly posts will be about. Fun. Friday. Happiness. Now, with no further ado...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

give it up/start it up

I may not be super religious, but I have always loved the idea of Lent. Bettering yourself/others for 40 days... plus having a finite amount of time always makes it seem easier (you can do anything for 40 days!). My approach: give up a food/drink that is unhealthy, start up a new activity, and become a more helpful/productive member of society.  So, in that spirit, here is what I've decided to do:

via Creative Review
let's be honest- how good does that look? Sometimes I just crave a diet soda. But ZERO soda of any sort for the next 40 days. When I'm craving that carbonation (as I frequently do), I'll turn to sparkling water or seltzer.. or I guess I could settle for a glass of champagne, too!
via Food Gal
 I eat these almost everyday. I read an article about how  potato chips are directly correlated with obesity. Cutting. it. out. (UGH SO SAD).

via Whole Living
maybe it's a lack of motivation, but I've yet to find a type of exercise that I enjoy doing (besides walking and Zumba). In an effort to put a spring in my step, I've committed to doing 100 jumping jacks every day for the next 40 days. Weird, I know. But jumping jacks are simple enough that there is NO excuse not to do them. My goal is to get to the point where I can do this exercise routine. But, we're dealing with amateurs here, and we gotta start somewhere!

still looking for a way to give back (any suggestions?). I'd like to make this a more permanent thing in my life... and while I'm searching, I'll make an effort to smile more and help out in daily things as much as possible (good substitute for the time being?). another option would be to copy the sorts of things they did in this blog- all wonderful ways to make someone's day better.

are you doing anything for Lent?

Monday, January 23, 2012

cozy up

It's beginning to feel a lot like... January. Ice and snow greeted us this weekend here in DC, and I must say that walking out side for a (little) while can actually feel really refreshing. I love the winter air... when you can kind of smell the snow. It's so crisp and cold and just feels great. Anyway, the downside to this weather is that I am always cold. Cue scarves- my favorite functional accessory. Here's a look at some of my recent favorite finds:

Halogen 'Altitude' Scarf in Navy Multi,, $34
Jaguar Scarf in Brown,, $28
Terracotta Aztec Print Scarf,, $9.50
Tory Burch Striped Scarf in Milk Opal,, $145
Halogen 'Altitude' Scarf in Orange Multi,, $34

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

party like it's my birthday

I'm one year older! Today I turn 24, and I couldn't be more excited to celebrate tonight with the boy and then again this weekend with some amazing friends. As I was searching for birthday-ish images on Pinterest, I got inspired by all the cool things I saw on the site for only $24! The rest of this post will show these super cool, super inexpensive things. If you click on the links below the pictures, it'll take you to the original sites where you could potentially purchase the birthday girl a gift or two or three (joke!). Hope you enjoy your day as much as I plan on enjoying mine!

cross-body bag from Nordstrom, $24         
salt & pepper squeezers from flip & tumble, $24
quilted crossbody bag from Ruche, $24
sparkly studs, Anthropologie, $24

scratch-off world map, Uncommon Goods, $24

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

eat this

Like most humans, I really enjoy eating delicious food. And like most people in their early-to-mid twenties, eating out every night just isn't possible on my measly budget. Cooking is also an occasional issue, as it requires effort that I may or may not have after a 9+ hour day at a news organization (aka I get lazy).

Enter stage right my lifesaver dinner/lunch/snack: Trader Joe's Fusilli with Vegetables and Basil Pesto.

 I'm not claiming to know much about food  - I just know what I like, and this is YUM. It has that spiral pasta that is sometimes in pasta salad that is so good to me, but I'm sure a real Italian or pasta maker would probably gag over this. I just happen to be 0.000% Italian, and not a pasta maker (shocker!!!). It's a pesto, zuchhini and a tomato wonderland (I am partial to vegetarian frozen things).

The best part? It's CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP. Only $1.99 at my local Trader Joe's-- you seriously can't beat the price. Plus it's 380 calories... which I consider a totally decent nutritional number for a pasta dish.

(Can you tell I had this for lunch today?) Now eat up, my minions.

Monday, January 9, 2012

brighten up your winter wardrobe

via Ever and Wright

Colored jeans. It took me a while to get on board with this trend (maybe it seemed too 80's at first?) but now colored skinnies are #1 on my birthday wish list (I think I'm partial to the deep red color). I just moved into a new house, so curtains, rugs and organizational tools will be the majority of my birthday gifts from mom and dad, but if I get to choose something fun that doesn't involve decorating, that's what I'll go for!

Friday, January 6, 2012

bella alhambra



Maybe I'm late to the party with this, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about these necklaces by Van Cleef and Arpel for months upon months. Too bad the "real" Van Cleef & Arpel alhambra necklace (worn by the coolest chick ever... see Reese above) retails for thousands...

Luckily, I've seen knock-offs abound! I picked up some look-a-like black earrings with gold trim with that pretty clover shape at Eastern Market (a sweet farmer's market in DC) for about 20 bucks. They look like a cheaper version of these:


I wish I had gotten a necklace while I was there, but once the weather starts warming up, I plan to head back to hunt for some more alhambra-inspired jewelry.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

life is too short

In an effort to start the year in an optimistic and maybe even naive way, I'm stealing Marc and Angel's "20 Things Life Is Too Short To Tolerate" and putting my own spin on their list. I may even change up some of their ideas... bolded thoughts will be theirs, and italisized will be mine. Here we go...

20 Things Life Is Too Short To Tolerate

Starting now, stop tolerating…
  1. People who bring you down. As much as you can help it, spend time with people who lift you up and challenge you. People who make you feel good, and people who are positive and smart.
  2. A work environment or career field you hate.If you hate your job... think about what would make you happier. Then CHANGE IT. Is it your work environment-- the people, the hours, the office space, your daily tasks, your boss, what? No one is 100% happy at their job all the time, but I certainly know people who are happier than others.
  3. Your own negativity.I am SO guilty of this. I say mean things to myself in my head. I need to stop. And so do you! If you catch yourself thinking something negative, try to change your thinking about it in your head. I know it's harder than it may seem, but you can do it!
  4. Unnecessary miscommunication. If you don't understand something, keep asking questions until you know for sure.
  5. A disorganized living and working space. If you don't use it, get rid of it. Whatever it is, you probably won't miss it if it's gone. And trust me, the extra space and less clutter will just make you breathe easier.
  6. Your own tardiness. 9 times out of 10, snoozing after your alarm goes off does nothing but make you more tired and rushed and anxious and cranky. Get up earlier, and make that your new normal.
  7. Pressure to fit in with the crowd. I know I spend too much time worrying about what other people will do, or what they think. Do what you want, and don't just agree to be agreeable. Oftentimes, people will respect you for having a different point of view.
  8. An unhealthy body. – It's not about being skinny or toned or ripped or jacked. It's about feeling good, day to day, and liking what you see in the mirror. If you don't like it, we all know how to exercise and eat better. And if you're motivated, set goals.. and then tackle them.
  9. Fear of change. – Life is change.  Every day is different.  Every day is a new beginning and a new ending.  Embrace it and make the best of it.
  10. All work and no play.Have a weekly date night with your best friend or your boyfriend. Have something fun to look forward to after you put in a day's work.
  11. People or beauty ads that make you feel inadequate.You're different, and that's what makes you cool.
  12. Not getting enough sleep. – Or too much sleep!
  13. Doing the same exact thing over and over again.You can't get different results by continuing to do the same thing.
  14. Personal greed.Volunteer. Give. It will make you feel better when you do splurge and get yourself something nice.
  15. A mounting pile of debt. If you don't have the money sitting in front of you, DON'T spend it!!
  16. Dishonesty. Don't lie, and don't tolerate people who do.
  17. Infidelity.This goes for friendships, too- if someone isn't being true to you, in any way, they aren't worth keeping around! (see #1).
  18. An unsafe home.(OK, I don't have anything to say about this one)
  19. Being unprepared. Keep a coat in your car just in case you get stuck somewhere. Carry cash. Be responsible.
  20. Inaction.You can talk and think about something ALL DAY LONG. Pull the trigger. Apply to that cool job. Ask him out. BUY a plane ticket to see someone you want to see. Ask for a raise. Do it.
Hope this list inspired you to be better- it certainly inspired me! 

Monday, January 2, 2012

daily inspiration

"DO WHAT YOU CAN, when you can, how you can, with what is in front of you." - Bethenny Frankel

holy headbands

via Etsy
via Cosmopolitan

via sweetest things weddings
 There are few things that can make me happier than a cute headband to complete a look. Call me 4 years old, but I haven't let them go! Not sure they'll be "in" during 2012, but for something so functional and pretty, I'll keep wearing them regardless.